As Your State Senator, Kristin:
- Supported only fiscally responsible budgets that do NOT raise taxes on hardworking York Countians.
- Led the fight to reopen Pennsylvania’s locally owned small businesses when Gov. Wolf supported only large, corporate-owned businesses could remain open during the pandemic.
- Kept YOUR Senate office open throughout the pandemic when many others shut theirs down to help resolve issues, including unemployment compensation assistance, business guidance and professional licenses for our front-line workers.
- Sponsored significant reforms to change business-as-usual in Harrisburg by limiting lobbyists’ influence in Harrisburg.
- Rejected all of the costly perks that politicians are afforded, including a state-owned vehicle, health care, pension and expense reimbursement to commute to and from the Capitol.
- “Exceeds expectations,” according to Harrisburg-based state government watchdog publication, for her online posting of all expenditures in YOUR Senate office. Following her lead, the State Senate now posts all expenses online for taxpayers to view.
- Has partnered with the community to enhance York County’s nationally-renowned Heritage Rail Trail through the Trail Towns initiative, which boosts locally owned small businesses along the Rail Trail. The popularity of the trail has only grown throughout the pandemic.
- Wrote the law that allowed students to learn from home when schools were ordered to shut down throughout the pandemic.
- Fought against any state requirement for requiring the COVID-19 vaccine as this decision should be between an individual and their doctor and not between a taxpayer and their government.
- Consistently stands up for York County taxpayers as a leading conservative voice standing up for common sense solutions.